There is nothing that can increase your attractiveness and make your look more appealing then a nice bright smile. It wont just help you get a date but it will also help you get jobs, make sales, gain confidence, and much more. If you are reading this you know that you cant have a nice smile without straight teeth and you are either looking to get Braces/invisalign or already have them. If that is the case then you really need to continue reading this AcceleDent Review and learn more about AcceleDent and how it can help you straighten your teeth! This is my personal experience with AcceleDent!
So What the Heck is AcceleDent?
AcceleDent is a small- simple to use device that can speed up your orthodontic treatment 30%-50%.Yes that means if your orthodontist said you need to wear braces for 12 months you can have them off as fast as 6 months with AcceleDent treatment. The device is simple to use, you just put it in your mouth 20 minutes every day and let it do its magic. Keep in mind that using the tool for more then 20 minutes will not help your results any more then a regular daily 20 minute use (at least not according to instructions i read on my box or the information my orthodontist provided- i used it as recommended). AcceleDent is very gentle on your teeth, you will notice it less then you would your average electric toothbrush. The device is safe to use on both regular Braces and Invisalign and it costs anywhere between $900-$1000 USD (i paid $950 for mine).
Does it work?
Yes!!! Yes i am very happy to say that it does. When i initially told my Orthodontist i was interested in buying it he offered it for sale and knew about its potential but did not have any patients use it prior to me, so he was not sure if the claims were true. My invisalign treatment originally required me to visit my orthodontist every 8 weeks to get a new set of trays and i was to wear each tray for 7 days. With my orthodontist not knowing if AcceleDent will work or not he decided to be cautious and have me change my trays every 5 days and see him for a new set of trays every 6 weeks after i added AcceleDent to my treatment. So the result… every time i would go in for a 6 week visit to get my new trays he was amazed at how well my teeth were moving. He would go around telling everyone in the office about it and said he would be 100% behind AcceleDent from now on. He also said he would offer it to every patient going forward.
Additional Benefit
Acceledent definitely reduced my orthopedic treatment but that is not the only benefit i noticed. I am sure you heard the horror stories of how painful / uncomfortable it can be when you first put on your braces or have them adjusted. The same feeling is experienced when you change invisalign tray , first few days new tray is very tight on your teeth. When i would change my invisalign tray they would be very tight and uncomfortable on my teeth but i would use acceledent on my teeth right after i put on a new set of trays and the tight / uncomfortable feeling would be gone in 20 minutes!!!
My AcceleDent Review is very positive so i would say if you can afford to spend another $900-$1000 on your treatment then i highly recommend you add Acceledent to your orthodontic treatment. Not only will it reduce your treatment time but it will also eliminate the discomfort of wearing your braces or invisalign. If you have any questions post them in comments below and i will be happy to answer. I would also like to hear from other that have used Acceledent so please share your experience in comment section below!
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