Subaru started out as part of Fuji Heavy Industries (originally named The Aircraft Research Laboratory) when in 1946 the company created a motor scooter...

Subaru started out as part of Fuji Heavy Industries (originally named The Aircraft Research Laboratory) when in 1946 the company created a motor scooter using spare parts that were originally meant to be used on aircraft.  Starting in the 1950s the company began designing vehicles and named their first vehicle the Subaru 1500 and today the company is known for its flat engine and innovative transmission layouts.  Subaru of America was established in the 1960s to specialize in manufacturing the vehicles for sale throughout the United States.  Initially affiliated with General Motors, today the company is part of Toyota and has a very loyal customer base who appreciates the reasonable Subaru prices and affordable maintenance costs.

Subaru Service Oil Change Prices and Fees:

Conventional Oil Change $30

Synthetic Blend Oil Change $45

B Service Full Synthetic Oil Change $60

C Service $230

D Service $470


Walmart Oil Change Prices

Like any vehicle, Subaru require regular oil changes in order to keep the engine running properly with limited problems.  Subaru prices for oil changes and other services are affordable so vehicle owners do not have to risk serious engine damage by putting of service in an effort to save money.  Subaru oil change prices start out at $30.00 for vehicles that require conventional oil, and most dealership service centers offer extensive service packages for vehicles that need full synthetic oil with additional maintenance services included.

Prior to getting an oil change contact the Subaru service centers in your area to make sure you are getting the best available Subaru prices for maintenance available.  Once you have arrived at your location for a walk-in or scheduled, service visits the staff will find out what type of oil change you need.  The Subaru oil change cost will be verified with you and during the extensive full synthetic oil changes with B, C, or D service your vehicle will receive tire rotation, wiper check, brake check, filter replacements, battery test, and more.  The total Subaru oil change cost reflects the level of service that you receive during your visit.

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